Minggu, 07 Desember 2008

Quest Sealindo

Quest Pierre

Cari Pierre1 di arah jem 6 peta kuil adel... trus Pierre2 dari warp atas kebawah dikit trus sebelom lewatin jembatan ada jalan ke arah kanan peta... kalo uda ngomong ke dua pierre ini... u ke pierre terakhir di danau bulat yg ada di sebelah kiri bawah peta Kuil Adel...ayu.

--Mengantar Buku Cerita---

-Ngmg ke nenek tua di Lime,, letakny di tengah tapi kanan dikit. dia bdiri di depan rumahnya.
-Dia nyuruh elo ngambil buku dari toko buku (tinggal nybang)
-Ngmg ke cowo yang sedang duduk,, n pinjem 1 buku
-Balik ke nenek tua itu n selese deh...
-Ngmg lage ke nenek itu buat ngelakuin quest ini lage,, tapi kali ini bukunya harus ganti ^^

Difficulty: 1
Fame: 20
Exp: 450
Gold: 200

Quest buku:

-ngomong ke npc yimoth di kuil adel pilih "bisakah kamu menceritakan . . . . . . . .". Lalu kmu cari aja bukunya disekitar bangunan kuil, klik npc buku pilih catat ada 8 yg wa temuin(npc buku bergeletakan di sekitar kuil adel cari yg teliti"

Quest buku lagi :

-ngomong ke npc Anna di kuil adel pilih "ada yg bisa kubantu" lalu kmu disuruh ke pertama ke elim trus yang ke dua ke lime buat ngambil bukunya. ngomong aja ke npc di toko buku. Setelah 2 quest ngomong lagi ke anna pilih "ada yg bisa kubantu..." nanti dikasih reputasi sama lambang buku.

Quest tiang :

-ngomong ke npc tugu putih di deket bangunan kuil adel lalu pilih semua option(godain tiangnya abis2an. setelah itu ajak ngomong lagi nanti kmu disuruh nyari saudaranya itu tiang. dia ada di deket warp sebelah kanankuil adel.

Quest Huh?

-ngomong ke npc tanda kuil adel lalu klik2 aja
Quest bar
-di bar elim ngomong ke npc wanita terhormat(ngomong aja ama dua2nya). Kmu disuruh nyari nama orang. Orangnya ada di bar itu ngomong aja ke orang2 di bar pasti nemu.

Menjaga nenek
1. Ngomong sama npc Jack di Bar
2. bakal disuru jagain nenek nya di rumah arah jam 10
3. kasi roti, bacain buku, anter roti ke gerobak di tengah Zaid, lalu ke kuburan (yg ada tulisan Q)
4. intinya quest ini bolak balik si kerjanya, tapi gampang kok nyeleseinnya..

Obat untuk Albereo
1. pergi ke arah jam 12
2. ngomong ama albereo nanti disuru ke gypsy arah jam 6 Zaid..
3. balik ke albereo lagi, nanti disuru ulang sekali lagi quest nya

1. Quest Boneka :
Di NPC Pembuat Boneka di Lime..Lupa exp n fame yg di dapet..Bahannya 20 Silkworm Thread ama 10 Dyes. Bikin 2 biji..Dan kasih ke :
1.1 : NPC Gadis Hantu di blakang Gereja Zaid..Ntar dia ngasih kamu kalung..Bawa kalung tsb ke NPC Penjual Senjata di Lime
1.2 : Aesa di militia Lime..

2. Quest Nenek Sephia di Zaid :
Ngomong ama Penjaga Bar buat jadi "Grandma-sitter" ibunya..Bisa diulang ampe 6 kali..Yg 4 kali dapet exp n fame, yg 2 kali ga..Gua saranin seleseain ampe 6 kali soalnya quest ini ada sampingannya..Yaitu :
2.1 : Pertama2 check NPC Kereta Dorong di tengah Zaid..
2.2 : Setiap kamu nyelesein 1 quest dari penjaga bar..Ngomong ama nenek sephia..Dia bakal nyuruh kamu ke kuburan buat jaga seorang ( Anak? ) di kuburan ( NPC Cahaya Anh )..Sebenernya itu peri yg kita temui di point 2.1..Lakukan terus sampe si nenek ga minta lagi..Kalo ga salah 4 kali..Ntar kamu bakal dapet item "Aleph crystal"..JANGAN DIJUAL ATO DI BUANG..Ini barang penting!!
2.3 : Setelah semua quest dari Penjaga Bar Zaid selesai..Pergi lagi ke rumah nenek sephia...Trus klik NPC tempat ngambil kue n bikin teh..Di situ malingin satu biji kue si nenek..Trus pergi lagi ke NPC kereta dorong ( Liat 2.1 )..Taruh kue di situ..Kamu dapet lagi 1 biji Aleph Crystal
2.4 : Skrg kamu punya 2 Aleph Crystal..Gunain satunya di NPC "Tempat.." Disamping NPC Cane di perkumpulan blacksmith..Dan satunya lagi di NPC "Tempat.." Didesa Gypsy Hutan Laywook..INI QUEST PENTING DAN BERHUBUNGAN DGN QUEST UTAMA / QUEST STORY..

3. Quest Promise with Cane :
Gampang2 susah nih quest..Pergi ke dalam tambang yg tertutup di Zaid..Cari jalan keluarnya..Ada 3 jalan keluar..Hanya 1 yg bener..Menurut pengalamanku jalan keluar ini random..Salah satu dari ketiga pintu tsb, 2 pintu berada di tengah..1 berada nempel di pinggir dinding tambang. Setelah berhasil keluar..Temui Cane suruh dia minta maaf..Trus ngomong ke bokapnya Cane..Abis itu balik lagi ke Cane..Ajak dia jadi temenmu

4. Quest Aesa :
Minimal Thug..Ngomong ke NPC bokapnya si Aesa..Minta pekerjaan darinya..Trus ngomong lagi ke Aesa ( Kamu harus udah ngasih dia boneka, liat 1.1 )..Trus ngomong ke NPC di Militia Lime..Tus ke Zaid ngomong ke Aaron..Tus ke Cane..( Kmu harus udah selesai quest promise with Cane )..Trus balik lagi ke Aesa..Abis itu ngomong lagi ke Bokapnya..Selesai Deh..

1 quest bwat lvl ucup yaitu quest nenek flora
u pokoknya lvl berapa aj pergi ke lime di sono ada nenek yang bernama flora dia pokoknya deket panggung sonoan dikit ngomong terus sama nenek flora ntar dapet reput ma exp dikit u bisa ulangin sampe 5 x
2 quest ngasih makan ibab
yang pertama u harus ngomong anak kecil yang deket ama nenek flora ngomong ama dia pengen kasih makan ibab truz u pergi ke dinding luar lime ntar ada ibab ntar u dapet exp
3 ingin menjadi militia
yang pertama u harus dach lvl 20 ntar u ngomong ama si janet ntar pilih opsi aq pengen jadi anggota milita ntar u harus misi ngambil tanganya si wood golem ntar abis itu u jadi anggota militia dech.
3 quest ngambil bunga di gua crude minim lvl 20
yang petama u pergi ke codela ntar di sono ada jalan kecil mengkol dikit ntar ada bunga yang tersobek habis itu u ambil nungannya ntar ngomong ama si janet kalo g salah pooknya ama orang yang ada di mlitia abis itu u dapet reputasi dech
4 quest lawan si knight of darkness yang sangat kuat (very hard)
pokoknya pergi ke hutan siln ntar di sono ada perkampungan silon ngomng ama petugas kandang ntar u di suruh battle ama si kod yang very hard ntar kalo menang/u battle win ntar u dapet reput
5 si penipu
ntar u ngomong ama si penipu di perkampungan silon pokoknya cari si badan pendek ntar ngomong ama si dia ntar u beli crystal ama si dia dengan harga 1jt tapi nolnya tendang tiga ntar u beli, akhrnya mampozzzzzz u ketipu ya elah tapi cuma modal 1k doank yaudach ntar u balikin aja ke dia pokoknya paksa dech agar si jelek mau mengembalikan uang u yang 1k ntar kalo udach dia akhrnya minta maaf ntar dia jadi budak u dech .
6 cara pengen bwat party bagi yang g tau
y gampang aj ntar u ngomong ama orang yang ada di bar elim /lime ntar plih bicara
ntar ada opsi aq ingin membwat grup sendiri ntar u di suruh ngambil barang-barangnya yaitu sap,vegetable oil,soy milk,milk,stem of radish,dll pokknya baca aj ntar bawain semua barang itu ke tempat jualan potion dan laen-laen natr bicara aj dpt dech skill party

Quest GUide

Quest (atau misi) adalah salah satu bagian penting dari Seal Online. Dengan menjalankan Quest, kamu bisa mendapatkan Experience, Cegel, dan Reputasi. Dan juga, dengan menjalankan Quest kita bisa mengetahui tentang cerita sebenarnya dari dunia Shiltz.

[Quest Sentral Misi]

Sentral Misi adalah tempat dimana kamu bisa mendapatkan misi mencari items. Sentral misi ada 3 jenis, yang masing2 mempunyai Requirement yg berbeda-beda

[Sentral Misi Awal]
Npc untuk Sentral Misi tahap awal berada di hampir setiap kota di shiltz. Tidak ada batasan level minimum maupun Reputasi minimum untuk mengambil Quest disini. Namun Jika reputasi mu sudah melebihi Henchman (Peon), kamu tidak bisa mengambil misi disini.

[Tabel Quest Sentral Misi Awal]

Level Reputasi Total Rep Item Qty Rep Exp Cegel
1 Baby 0 Geranium 30 20 260 100
3 Baby 0 Log 30 30 260 450
4 Baby 0 Stem of radish 30 30 260 360
4 Baby 0 Sap 30 20 500 270
6 Baby 0 Rabbit Fur 30 20 820 720
8 Baby 0 Vegetable Oil 20 50 820 540
9 Baby 0 Vampire Tooth 2 80 1,450 1,200
10 Baby 0 Oxygen 10 100 2,480 1,900
11 Nameless 120 Hard Shell 30 80 1,970 6,750
12 Expendable 264 Spore 30 80 1,970 900
13 Brute 581 Wit 20 100 3,030 1,200
15 Brute 581 Wooden Board 30 80 1,970 4,050
18 Vandal 1,220 Silky Thread 30 80 3,030 9,000
18 Vandal 1,220 Magic Powder 30 100 3,030 8,100
18 Hoodlum 2,439 Wind Mark 15 100 3,620 900
20 Hoodlum 2,439 Knight Crest 30 100 3,620 11,250
22 Vandal 1,220 5 Color String 30 80 3,030 10,800
24 - 3,000 Piece Of Glass 30 80 4,250 18,000
25 Hoodlum 2,439 Man's Romance 5 100 3,620 3,750
25 - 2,800 Bear's Gall 2 80 4,250 4,500
26 Hoodlum 2,439 Fairy Powder 30 80 4,250 17,550
27 Thug 4,635 Vine 30 100 4,250 18,000
27 Henchman 8,806 Spider Poison 20 150 4,250 9,000

Rep: Jumlah Reputasi yg diperoleh setelah menjalankan misi
Qty: Jumlah Item yg di perlukan untuk menyelesaikan misi
Exp: Jumlah Experience yg diperoleh setelah menjalankan misi
Cegel: Jumlah Cegel yg diperoleh setelah menjalankan misi

[Sentral Misi Tingkat Tinggi]
NPC Sentral Misi Tingkat Terletak di Zaid. Tepat nya di dekat rumah nenek sephia. Biasanya disekitar tempat NPC ini banyak orang berjualan, terutama barang2 quest. Level minimum untuk mengambil Quest di tempat ini adalah Level 45, dan tak ada Reputasi minimum. Tetapi sebalik nya, Reputasi Maximum untuk mengambil Quest di tempat ini ada lah [Recruit] dan tak ada batasan level maximum.

[Tabel Quest Sentral Misi Tingkat Tinggi]

Level Item Qty Rep Cegel
45~47 Titanium 30 150 22,500
45~47 Mithrill 30 160 22,000
45~64 Sharp tooth 20 170 16,500
45~49 Motherly love 20 180 7,500
45~54 Iron Plate 30 190 22,500
46~54 Eyeball 5 200 5,000
48~62 Mark of Sakiel 15 210 14,000
48~64 Four Leafs Clover 2 220 5,000
50~66 Bone 30 240 30,500
55~67 Blue Blaze 20 250 30,000
55~69 Crystal of Sakiel 20 260 19,500
63~76 Ice crystal 2 270 5,500
65~80 Moon Stone 30 280 40,000
66~69 Asteroid 15 290 21,000
67~86 Dulahan Tears 5 300 7,500
68~89 Poisonus Nail 30 310 22,500
70~92 Bundle of Dream 30 320 42,000
77~94 Snow Flower 20 330 18,000
81~94 Platinum antenna 10 340 16,500
83~ Golden fur 20 350 36,000
87~ Wolf skin 30 360 58,500
90~ Fuse 10 370 25,500
93~ Ectoplasm 30 380 67,500
95~ Pharaoh Curse 10 390 30,000
95~ Jason Heart 10 400 33,000

Rep: Jumlah Reputasi yg diperoleh setelah menjalankan misi
Qty: Jumlah Item yg di perlukan untuk menyelesaikan misi
Exp: Jumlah Experience yg diperoleh setelah menjalankan misi
Cegel: Jumlah Cegel yg diperoleh setelah menjalankan misi

[Sentral Tingkat Tertinggi]
NPC Sentral Misi Tertinggi Terletak di sevis.


[Quest Administrator]

Quest Administrator diadakan dengan tujuan membantu para player Seal dengan memberikan equip sebagai reward. Equip yang di dapatkan tergantung kepada job masing2 player.

[Primary Quest]
Tujuan dari Primary Quest Admin ialah mencapai Level tertentu. Jika Level yg di tentukan sudah tercapai, maka akan mendapatkan senjata +3 untuk job masing2. ingat, quest hanya bisa di ambil jika level mu masih dibawah dari level yg di tentukan. Contoh: untuk mengambil Quest untuk reward level 50, maka level maximal mu harus 49. jika sudah level 50 maka kamu tidak dapat mengambil Quest nya.

[Tabel Primary Quest Administrator]

Periode Lvl Tugas Reward
Lv1~19 Mencapai Lv20 10,000 Cegel

Lv20~34 Mencapai Lv35 Beginer: Happy Bah Bah Stick +3
Knight: Mithril Sword +3
Mage: Sage Staff +3
Cleric: Jupiter Mace +3
Craftman: Metal hammer +3

Lv35~49 Mencapai Lv50 Beginer: Fairy tale rod +3
Knight: Divine Sword +3
Mage: Loriel Staff +3
Cleric: Mars Mace +3
Craft Man:

[Secondary Quest]
Tujuan dari Secondary Quest Admin ialah mencapai Reputasi tertentu. Jika Reputasi yg di tentukan sudah tercapai, maka akan mendapatkan Armor +3 untuk job masing2. Sama dengan Primary quest nya, Quest ini hanya bisa di ambil jika Reputasi mu masih dibawah dari reputasi yg ditentukan

[Table Secondary Quest Administrator]

Tugas Reward
Mencapai Reputasi Brute (581) Seed +4

Mencapai Reputasi Hoodlum (2,439) Beginer: Chinese noodles box (T) +3
Warior: Militia Suit (T) +3
Knight: Alloy Armor (T) +3
Mage: Green Tunic (T) +3
Cleric: Clothes of blessing (T) +3
Clown: Suit of Laughter (T) +3
Craftman: Clothes of Craftman (T) +3

Mencapai Reputasi Thug (4,635) Beginer: Tangerine box (T) +3
Warior: Wing suit (T) +3
Knight: Gold Armor (T) +3
Mage: Rune Suit (T) +3
Cleric: Clothes of mercy (T) +3
Clown: Entertainer suit (T) +3
Craftman: Inventor Clothes (T) +3

Item Collect For Craftman In Sealindo

ada yang tau ga ivory ama amethis kata nya sih item rare yg jadi bahan .XG ala craftman
1 ~ 10 : Quest Anna
11 ~ 20 : Afro tree, Happy Bah-Bah (yg ini pot na boros>.<), sm Stiff Horse..
21 ~ 30 : Mage Piya, Cleric Piya..
31 ~ 40 : Tarantula Ben, Ghost Mage, Samba Cactus klu dah kuat..
41 ~ 45 : Samba Cactus, Ostrich..
45 ~ 55 : Meow-Gician (rada berat c..)
55 ~ 63 : Saloa,, Kadang2 nyicil white stiff horse..
64 ~ 75 : Gebuk2 Gun,, Mr. Catfish.. Klu ngerasa kuat lwn aleph.. Hajar aj..!!
76 ~ 87 : Mutated Aleph, ikut grup ma prist.. (Pernah liat ad craftman lv 100++ masi hunt dsini..)

EQ mendingan BGM +7/8/9 opt aspd usahain Trus bt +7/8/9 ama palu nya di + 3/4/5/6/7

bahan cook craftman

Bear Gall : Blue B Reptile 300 Dart I 300 Dart II 300 Dart III 300 = 300 biji
Tofu : Pea 150 Forging Rock 300 = 150 biji
Miso : Kidney Bean 37 Pea 1 Vulcanic Rock 1 Salt 1 Yeast 297 Bowl 37 = 37 biji
Red Ampora : Red Potion 75 Vulcanic Rock 1 Fiber Optic 299 Ample 75 = 75 biji
Blue Ampora : Blue Potion 75 Vulcanic Rock 1 Mark Of Mage 299 Ample 75 = 75 biji
High Red Ampora : High Red Pot 75 Flame Stone 1 Illuminating Crystal 299 Ample 75 = 75 biji
High Blue Ampora : High Blue Pot 75 Flame Stone 1 Crystal Of Star 299 Ample 75 = 75 biji
Cat Fish Soup : Catfish 27 Flame Stone 1 Seaweed 1 Salt 1 Clean Water 297 Bowl 27 = 27 biji
Gold Carp Bread : Gold Carp 60 Flame Stone 1 Wheat 1 Egg 298 Paper Bag 60 = 60 biji
Max Red Ampora : Max Red Pot 150 Peat 299 Heart Of Golem 1 Ample 150 = 150 biji
Max Blue Ampora : Max Blue Pot 150 Anthracite 1 Soul of G Mage 299 Ample 150 = 150
Silver Carp Bread : Silver Carp 75 Vulcanic Rock 1 Wheat 1 Egg 298 Paper Bag 75 = 75 silver carp bread
Carp Soup : Carp 60 Peat 1 Salt 1 Tofu 1 Nixie's Scale 296 Bowl 60 = 60 biji
Silk Carp Soup : Silk Carp 50 Liver 1 Miso 1 Salt 1 Lignite 297 Bowl 50 = 50 biji

skill collect
Untuk Skill Collect DI crafman sangat perlu... Lamanya Collect tergantung dari Lv Senjata untuk mukul... semakin gede semakin bagus

Daftar Collect Barang di pohon:

Hilir Sungai Glasis ( map kuburan/kanan Elim )
Arrow White Stone : volcanick rock, large geranium, iron, solarstone, antrachite, Crystal
Arrow Impure Stone : stone, forging rock, hatching stone, crystal of nixie, Bitumonous Coal, Crystal
Round Cedar : white glove, Piece of Cloth, Peat
Dry Tree : white glove, crystal of star
Swamp Tree : star fish, Piece of Cloth, Peat
Shield Tree : Fiber optics, Mark of Neza, Peat
Dead Tree : Star fish, rice powder, white glove

Lembah Travia:
Impure Stone(A) : Volcanic Rock, Sword Hilt, 2-Handed Sword Hilt, Armor Pieces, Large Geranium, Stone, Ash, Bituminous Coal
Impure Stone(cool.gif : Forging Rock, Stone, Dagger Hilt, Hatching Stone, Iron, Ash, Anthracite
Swamp Tree : Rod, Yeast, Carbon, 1000 Year-Old Mushroom, Seaweed, Peat
Round Cedar : Dyes, Piya's Unfertilized Egg, Mushroom, Hydrogen, Liver, Seaweed
Shield Tree : Chicken Feather, Leaf, Leather, Rock, Black Sap, Mushroom Poison
Dry Tree : Rotten Leaf, Tooth, Yeast, Scrubber, Peat

Sungai Mimir (Lime Bawah) :
Bright Stone : 2-Handed Sword Hilt, Stone, Volcanic Rock, Iron, Anthracite
Impure Stone : Dagger Hilt, Sword Hilt, Forging Rock, Large Geranium, Gold Dust, Bituminous Coal
Green Pine Tree : Piya'�s Unfertilized Egg, White Glove, Kidney Bean, Peat
Green Cone Pine : Chicken Feather, Dyes, Wheat
Large Cone Pine : Leather, Wheat, Peat

Hutan Silon :
Green Pine Tree (di Moo Moo) : Chicken Feather, Piya's Unfertilized Egg, Rice Powder, White Glove, Soul of Great Magician, Fiber Optics, Peat
Green Pine Tree (di Red Plumber) : Star Fish, Mark of Magician, Rod, Bowl, Wheat, Peat
Green Pine Tree (di Silky Joe the Boxer) :Mark of Great Sage, Mark of Sage, Mulberry Leaf, Man's Senility, Crystal of Star
Bright Stone : Crystal of Nixie, Armor Pieces, Bituminous Coal, Brown Coal, Crystal
Impure Stone : Mace Handle, Platinum, Anthracite, Lignite

Kuil Adel :
Bright Stone : White Ash, Steel, Cocoon, Lignite, Crystal
Impure Stone : White Ash, Steel, Anthracite, Bituminous Coal, Crystal
Round Cedar : Compression Bandage, Bowl, Wheat
Green Pine Tree : Mulberry Leaf, Wheat, Peat
Heart Pine Tree : Hot Blood, Man's Senility, Peat

Gunung Crude (line ATAS) :
Regular Impure Stone : Hatching Stone, Lignite
Green Pine Tree : Man's Senility, Clean Water, Peat
Dry Tree : Man's Senility, Rice Powder, Peat
Crystal Stone : Solarstone, Lignite, Anthracite, Crystal
Bright Stone in Snowfield :Hatching Stone, Anthracite, Lignite
Impure Stone in Snowfield :Solarstone, Brown Coal, Crystal
Pine Tree in Snowfield : Shiny Thread, Clean Water, Peat

Tengah Sungai Mimir(zaid bawah)
Bright Stone : Gold, Soul of Deceased, Anthracite, Bituminous Coal, Crystal, Ruby
Impure Stone : Platinum, Flame Stone, Brown Coal, Crystal, Ruby
Stone Grave : Piece of Glass, Flame Stone, Lignite, Crystal, Ruby
Round Cedar : Man's Senility, Lucky Card, Cat's Whiskers, Peat
Green Pine Tree : Shiny Thread, Blue Dye, Curse of Cat, Peat
Fantasy Twist Tree : Crow's Feather, Lucky Card, Spirit of Cat, Peat

Hutan Laywook (Adel Kiri) :
Regular Impure Stone : Fish Bone, Steel, Amethyst, Lignite, Bituminous Coal, Crystal, Ruby
Green Pine Tree : White Fur, Mother's Heart, Peat
Dry Tree : Blue Dye, Father's Good Old Day, Peat
Fantasy Twist Tree : Father's Excuse, Anthracite
Round Vine : Motherly Devotion, Respect, Clean Water
Fantasy Glue Tree : Really Hard Shell, Tattoo, Peat

Hutan Herkaus :
Fantasy Glue Tree(A) : Really Hard Shell, Tattoo, Peat
Fantasy Glue Tree(cool.gif : Soul of Jester, Soul of Holy Knight, Peat
Round Cedar : Hot Blood, Dulahan's Sweat, Peat
Round Vine : Soul of Swordsman, Dulahan's Sign, Peat
Impure Stone : Ceramic, Brown Coal, Peat, Anthracite, Crystal

Diding luar lime : (Lime Kiri)
Bright Stone : Armor Pieces, Gold Dust, Anthracite
Impure Stone : Iron, Gold, Bituminous Coal
Green Pine Tree(A) : Man's Senility, Mark of Sage, Soul of Great Magician, Peat
Green Pine Tree(cool.gif : Piya's Unfertilized Egg, Compression Bandage, Mark of Great Sage, Soul of Swordsman

Pegunungan Travia :
White Stone : Crystal of Vinagh, Solarstone, Anthracite, Crystal, Ruby
Impure Stone : Crystal of Vinagh, Illuminating Crystal, Solarstone, Bituminous Coal
Shield Tree : Spirit of Cat, Cactus Flower, Cat Cry
Dry Tree : Shell of Ostrich Egg, Soul of Great Magician, Red Dye
Dry Tree from Mountain : Spirit of Cat, Heart of Wind
Tropical Tree : Lucky Card, Red Dye, Peat

Hutan Laywook barat :
Bright Stone : Gasoline, Ceramic, Illuminating Crystal
Round Vine : Blue Crystal, Peat
Dry Tree : Boiling Blood, Peat
Fantasy Glue Tree : Hot Blood, Peat
Fantasy Umbrella Tree : Man's Senility, Illuminating Crystal
Fantasy Twist Tree : Man's Senility, Ice

Ujung Dunia :
Pine Tree in Snowfield : Mark of Great Sage, Lucky Card, Mark of Dean, Peat
Bright Stone in Snowfield : Gold Dust, Crystal of Nixie, Lignite, Brown Coal, Ruby
Impure Stone in Snowfield : Star Fish, Crystal of Nixie, Snake Skin, Lignite
Green Pine Tree : Mark of Vampire, Heart of Golem, Aleph's Crystal, Peat
Bright Stone : Star Fish, Crystal of Dean, Mark of Erasnets, Anthracite, Crystal, Ruby, Diamond
Impure Stone : Blue Crystal, Crystal of Dean, Bituminous Coal, Ruby
A Piece of Black Rock : Blue Crystal, Aleph's Crystal, Lignite, Anthracite

Danau Cross :
White Stone : Special Metal, Crystal of Hokma, Anthracite, Brown Coal, Ruby
Impure Stone : Special Metal, Lignite, Bituminous Coal, Crystal, Ruby, Diamond
Fantasy Grandpa Tree : Boiling Blood, Soul of Clown, Head of Stiff Horse
Fantasy Cloud Bridge Tree : Eagle Feather, Horseshoe, Peat
Fantasy Willow : Boiling Blood, Peat
Fantasy Mushroom Tree : Crystal of Dean, Mark of Dean
Fantasy Tropical Tree : Fallen Spirit, Mark of Hokma, Peat
Fantasy Cross Tree : White Base, Head of Stiff Horse, Peat
Round Vine : Crystal of Dean, Horseshoe
Round Cedar : Mermaid's Bubble, Peat
Fantasy Flower : Fairy's Seduction, Peat

Dataran Glasis :
Shield Tree : Rayshark's Fin, Peat
Dry Tree : Sunflower Seed, Peat
Round Cedar : Soul of Pirate, Peat
Swamp Tree : Hatchling's Scale, Peat
White Stone : Light Panel, Brown Coal, Bituminous Coal
Impure Stone : Light Panel, Lignite
Fantasy Flower : Hatchling's Tooth

Hulu Sungai Glasis :
Round Cedar : Foam of Crab, Hatchling's Tooth
White Stone : Crustacean's Bone, Crab Leg, Lignite, Anthracite, Crystal, Diamond
Impure Stone : Ammonite, Light Panel, Bituminous Coal
Swamp Tree : Chameleon Skin, Soul of Pirate
Shield Tree : Rayshark's Fin, Blue Blood of Reptile
Dry Tree : Sunflower Seed, Peat
Fantasy Cross Tree : Hatchling's Scale, Mark of Elios, Peat

Hutan Cross :
Impure Stone : Fallen Spirit, Rusty Gear, Lignite, Brown Coal, Bituminous Coal, Crystal, Ruby, Diamond
White Stone : Fallen Spirit, Minotaur's Passion, Bituminous Coal, Brown Coal, Ruby
Fantasy Grandpa Tree : Fallen Spirit, Shameless Wooden Board, Peat
Round Vine : Fallen Spirit
Round Cedar : Shameless Wooden Board, Peat
Fantasy Umbrella Tree : Gariel's Feather, Cow Skin, Peat
Dry Tree : Mariel's Feather, Cow Skin, Peat
Fantasy Cloud Bridge Tree : Gariel's Feather, Mariel's Feather

Goa Crude :
Dungeon Stone : Silver, Platinum, Ceramic, Illuminating Crystal, Crystal of Haesed, Bituminous Coal, Ruby
Dungeon Tree : Gasoline, Mark of Great Sage, Really Hard Shell, Lucky Card, Adel's Blessing
Red Lava Pillar : Gasoline

Goa Silon :
Dungeon Tree(A) : Cat�s Whiskers, Curse of Cat, Spirit of Cat, Peat
Dungeon Tree(cool.gif : Boiling Blood, Lucky Card, Soul of Swordsman, Heart of Golem

Goa Clement :
Stone of Dungeon : Golemium, Blue Crystal, Heavy Metal, Special Metal
Dungeon Tree : Soul of Holy Knight, Really Hard Shell, Peat

Goa Aleph :
Crystal Stone : Ectoplasm, Lucky Card, Anthracite
Blue Pillar : Boiling Blood, Gold, Alloy Chain, Sphinx's Nose, Ruby
Blue Stone : Blue Crystal, Mark of Great Sage, Soul of Holy Knight, Nitroglycerin, Bituminous Coal

Ini Daftar barang Untuk Produce Accories :

1 Madam Feater, Dumb, Hero Sap 3 Forging Rock 5 Stone 2 Stem Of Radish 5
2 Warior Piya Glove Madam Feather Piya Unfertilized Egg 10 Father Excuse 15 Crow Feather 11 Tatto 8 White Fur 12
3 Titan Claw Warior Piya Glove Sharp Tooth 30 Poison Claw 20 Heart Of Golem 15 Crustecean Bone 40 Father Excuse 30
4 Chinese Talisman / Ninja Nekles Crow feather 33 Tatto 20 Vine 17 Red Dye 40 Vampire Canine 45
5 Ninja Necklace Nekles From Crow Cactus Flower 15 Moonstone 45 Curse of cat 20 Motherly Love 30 Amethyst 10
6 Scream Necklace Ninja Necklace Red Marble of Gork 65 Pharaoh Curse 45 Alloy Chain 55 Crystal Of Grudge 45 Aleph Crystal 35
7 Black Ribbon, NFC, CPH Black Sap 5 5 Color Strings 3 Cocoon 4 Mark of Sage 3
8 Cleric Piya Hat Mark Of Great Of Sage 5 Compression Bandage 10 Soul of Deceased 8 Red Dye 10
9 Crystal Of Snow Princeses Black Ribbon Ice 30 Snow Crystal 20 Soul of Snow Princess 20 Magic Powder 20 Soul Of Great Mage 20
10 Bat Wing Bat Teeth 10 Hard Shell 5 Yeast 10
11 Wing White Fur 20 White Ash 20 Eagle Feather 20 Mother's Heart 10 Fairy Powder 15
12 Succubus Wing Wing Bat Teeth 60 Mark Of Vampire 50 Heart Of Wind 45 Lucky Card 10 Bone 40
13 Incubus Wing Wing Bat Teeth 80 Father Excuse 50 Mark of Vampire 70 Vine 30
14 Gariel Wing Succubus Wing Gariel Feather 100 Premium Thread 50 Fallen Spirit 50 Cold Heart 60 Jason Resentment 45
15 Mariel Wing Incubus Wing Mariel Feather 120 Premium Thread 110 Fallen Spirit 85 Pharaoh Curse 77 Bundle Of Dream 65
16 Glasses / Swimming Goggle Stone 3 Fiber Optics 15 Stem of Radish 20
17 Tarantula Sun Glases Glasess Forging Rock 10 Golenium 10 Piece Of Glass 20 Amethyst 10
18 Water Dragon Glasses Swimming Goggle Vine 20 Mermaid Bubble 40 Ice Crystal 20 Soul of Pirate 15 Fairy Seduction 15
19 Sword Hat Hunting Knife Compression Bandage 10 Mulberry Leaf 15
20 Fork Hat Sword Hat White Glove 10 Lucky Card 20 Soul of Deceased 5
21 Knife Kitchen Hat Rabbit Cleaver Wit 40 Lucky Card 30 Starfish 25 Dulahan Sweet 20
22 Momo Head Set Fiber Optics 15 Steam Of Radish 15 Bell 10
23 Rabbit Ear Rabbit Fur 30 White Fur 20 White Ash 10
24 Must Wind Headband Piece of Cloth 25 Dyes 10 Meaningless Mark 20 Father Good Old Days 20
25 Horn Of Incubus Bone 20 Golenium 35 Moonstone 20 Spider Poison 10 Horn Of Gorck 5
26 Tail Vine 5 Respect 10 Scruber 5
27 Burning tail Tail Blue Blaze 20 Vulcanic Rock 25 Light Panel 20
28 Chicken Set Costume Chicken Feather 10 Leather 5 Crow Feather 20 Spirit OF Cat 8
29 Large Pumpkin Head Spore 20 Yeast 10 Black Sap 15
30 Head Pumpkin Spore 25 Yeast 20 Dyes 20 Mulberry Leaf 15
31 Bear Set Costume Leather 20 White Fur 30 Tatto 20 Dyes 20
32 Ogre Safety Helmet Large Pumpkin Head Really Hard Shell 30 Horse Shoe 25 Stone 22 Mithril 15
33 Cool Guy Helmet Head Pumpkin Really Hard Shell 40 Horse Shoe 30 Stone 40 Ceramic 20 Blue Dye 23
34 Dulahan Head Bear Hat Dullahan Sign 25 Titanium 30 Dullahan Tear 31 White Base 40 Horse Shoe 15
35 Maid Set Costume Blue Rune Stone 5 Color String 80 Blue Dye 50 Hactling Scale 35 White Glove 30 Piece of cloth 60
36 School Set Costume Blue Rune Stone Man Romance 40 Soul of Pirate 40 Fiber Optic 35 Blue Dye 50 Piece of cloth 60
37 Shark Hat Soul of Pirate 20 Mermaid Bubble 25 Foam Of Crab 30 Ammonite 25 Piece of cloth 50
38 Solar Hat Light Panel 30 Sunflowe Seed 40 Spinx Nose 25 Vine 50 Jason Heart 20
39 Tutankhamen Mask Dulahan Head Oldest Bandage 88 Oil Barrel 55 Jason Resenment 44 Pharaoh Curse 33 Dog Nose 99
40 Box Set Costume Rotten Leaf 11 Dyes 5 Brass 8 Compession Bandage 5 Shiny Thread 7

Pet Sealindo

Exp yang dibutuhkan pet untuk evolusi

Pet membutuhkan experience untuk naek level dan apapun yang kamu berikan memiliki nilai exp. Kadang kala pet meminta sesuatu untuk dimakan dan dengan memberikan brg tersebut akan memacu exp pet lebih besar dari biasanya.

Exp yang dibutuhkan Pet untuk berevolusi :

1st evo: 435
2nd evo: 870
3rd evo: 1740
4th evo: 3480
5th evo: 6960

Heaven's Egg
1st evo: 870
2nd evo: 1740
3rd evo: 3480
4th evo: 6960
5th evo: 13920

Piyo Egg
1st evo: 1740
2nd evo: 3480
3rd evo: 6960
4th evo: 13920
5th evo: 27840

Bird Egg
1st evo: 3480
2nd evo: 6960
3rd evo: 13920
4th evo: 27840
5th evo: 55680

Hmm.. kelihatan bahwa waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menaikkan Pet berbeda. Piyo butuh 4x labih lama dari seed dan Bird bahkan butuh 8x lebih lama dengan catatan barang yang diberikan sama.

Daftar item dan exp yang diberikan :
150s and below - 1 exp
300s - 2 exp
450s - 3 exp
600s - 4 exp
800s - 5 exp
1000s - 6 exp
Setiap tambahan 200s pada item memberi tambahan 1 exp.

Cara menghitung harga adalah pembulatan ke atas yang artinya jika item tersebut seharga 2250s maka nilai exp yang diberikan adalah 13 exp (2400s)

Daftar equip dan exp yang diberikan :
Under 3k - 3 exp
3k - 4 exp
6k - 5 exp
9k - 6 exp
Setiap tambahan 3k pada barang memberi tambahan 1 exp

Harga dihitung dari nilai BELI dan ini berarti walaupun equip seharga 50s akan memberikan 3 exp jika diberi makan ke Pet.

Bunga seperti tulips dan rose memberikan nilai exp yang berbeda dari hitungan yang diatas. Tulips memberikan 45 exp dan Rose memberikan 50 exp.

Exp yang didapat tidak dibawa (akumulasi- carry over) ke level berikutnya.
Contoh: Seed +0 membutuhkan 30 exp untuk naik level maka jika memberikan rose maka akan naik ke Seed +1 dengan RANDOM exp
Jadi BUKAN jadi Seed +1 dan 20 exp

Makanan Favorit Pet
Makan pet adalah makanan favorit dari tiap2 pet itu sendiri, masing2 pet mempunyai makanan favorit yang berbeda-beda, tergantung jenisnya, beberapa makanan pet dapat memberikan pet Exp yang lebih besar beberapa kali lipat daripada beberapa item biasa yg mahal atau berharga 2000+++, dengan chance random tentunya.

Daftar makanan favorit pet bisa dilihat di topiknya si evan "Kehidupan pet di dunia SEAL"

Pet Evo

Pet lv 1-4 Pasti akan dapat dievo ke pet level berikutnya ketika mencapai +9 dan 100%+++, penting diingat, bahwa chance untuk evo pet adalah random, contoh : mengubah feather wingged egg ke eangle yang notabene adalah pet langka (rare), jika gagal mungkin bisa menjadi Owl/Crow/Pair Of Love bird, atau bahkan GAGAL berevolusi, karena masing-masing pet mempunyai chance untuk Success rate evo yang berbeda beda

Pet Mati

Pet akan mati jika dalam keadaan tidak diberi makan dan %nya sangat rendah, jika % pet banyak, biasa pet tersebut akan kembali kenyang dan % ratenya akan turun, tapi ketika 0% atau sedang rendah, pet tersebut dapat mati dan akan muncul tulisan Pet kamu telah mati, turut berduka cita, so rajin2lah memberi makan pet kalau tidak mau beli pet baru lagi :mrgreen:

Tabel Pet Evo Yg bener





bahan2 evo untuk pet tipe Seed

Seed - Bud , Success Ratio 100%

Bahan 1 : Yeast, stem of radish, pea shell, sap ,log, soy milk, vegetable oil, dye, spore , wooden board.

Bahan 2 : Geranium, large geranium, log, dye, pea shell, sap , vegetable oil, stem of radish, pea soy milk

Bud - Junior Mo-Mo 25%

Bahan 1 : Sap, vegetable oil, large geranium, stem of radish, radish, hero`s claw, fabric cloth (T)(B), magic fabric cloth (T)(B)

Bahan 2 : Radish, stem of radish, oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, sap ,leaf, vegetable oil, respect, rod

Bahan 3 : Stem of radish, radish, sap, vegetable oil, geranium, magic fabric cloth(T)(B), fabric cloth(T)(B), lucky card

Bud - Green Pumpkin 25%

Bahan 1 : Vine, Mulberry leaf, magic powder, gasoline, piece of glass, really hard shell, platinum, mark of sage, mark of great sage, mirthil

Bahan 2 : Really hard shell, platinum, silver, vine, piece of glass, gasoline, mark of sage, oxgen

Bud - Flower bud 25%

Bahan 1 : Blue dye, dye, 5 color strings, silver, magic powder, fairy powder, mark of wind, shinny thread, snow crystal

Bahan 2 : White ribbon, snow crystal, soul of snowprincess, silver, fairy powder, sap, sun stone, moon stone, blue crystal, cactus flower

Bud - Shuck 25%

Bahan 1 : Stem of radish, radish, vegetable oil, soy milk, large geranium, geranium, pea, kidney bean, dumb knuckle, log

Bahan 2 : Stem of radish, radish, leaf, pea shell, geranium, vegetable oil, sap , rotten leaf, pea ,soy milk

Bahan 3 : Sap, pea shell, soy milk, leaf, mulberry leaf, kidney bean, dye, pea, geranium, egg

Junior Mo-Mo - King Mo-Mo 60%

Bahan 1 : Pharaoh`s curse, ice-cold heart, ice crystal, bowl, man`s romance, jason`s heart, blue crystal, blue blaze, lucky card, radish

Bahan 2 : Father excuse, man`s romance, man`s sensivity, 4leaf clover, lucky card, ice crystal, Bowl, radish, vegetable oil, hero`s claw

Bahan 3 : Radish, man`s romance, man`s sensivity, father`s good old days, fathers`s excuse, pharaoh`s curse, ice crystal, ice-cold heart, bowl, lucky card

Junior Mo-Mo - Pretty Mo-Mo 30%

Bahan 1 : Pharaoh`s curse, ice-cold heart, ice crystal, bowl, man`s romance, jason`s heart, blue crystal, blue blaze, 4 leaf clover, radish

Junior Mo-Mo - Warrior Mo-Mo 10%

Bahan 1 : Pharaoh`s curse, ice-cold heart, ice crystal, bowl, man`s romance, jason`s heart, blue crystal, blue blaze, l4 leaf clover, radish

Green Pumpkin - Pumpkin Head 60%

Bahan 1 : Vine, venom canine, rotten leaf, respect, leaf, herb, log, stem of radish, mulberry leaf

Bahan 2 : mulberrry leaf, stem of radish, log, herb, leaf, respect, rotten leaf, venom canine, vine

Bahan 3 : Venom canine, bat`s tooth, poinsonous tooth, tooh, large pumpkin`s head, mulberry leaf, rotten leaf, 4 leaf clover

Green Pumpkin - Pumkin 30%

Bahan 1 :Hatchling`s tooth , bat`s tooth, venom canine, wolf`s tooth, leaf, rotten leaf, respect, herb, 4 leaf clover

Green Pumpkin - Amber 10%

Bahan 1 : venom canine, bat tooth, poinsonus tooth, tooth, large`s pumpkin head, mulberry leaf, respect, leaf, rotten leaf, 4 leaf clover

Flower Bud - Rose 50%

Bahan 1 : Rose, cactus flower, snow crystal, bell , goldfish, soul of snow princess, piya`s unfertilized egg, vegetable oil, large geranium, geranium

Bahan 2 : Rose, cactus flower, snow crystal, gold, goldfish, knight crest, piya`s unfertilized egg, vegetable oil, geranium, yellow darts

Flower Bud - SF 50%

Bahan 1 : Gold, piya`s unfertilized egg, white fur, snow crstal, blue blaze, cactus flower, bell, large geranium, geranium, knight crest

Bahan 2 : Snow crystal, gold, goldfish, gernaium, cactus flower, vegetable oil,piya`s unfertilized egg, bell, large geranium

Bahan 3 : Snow crystal, bell, goldfish, geranium, lucky card, vegetable oil, 4 leaf clover, knight crest, gold, piya`s unfertilized egg

Shuck - Beannie 60%

Bahan 1 : Herb, geranium, dumb knuckle, soy milk, cactus flower, sap, dye, vegetable oil, pea shell, leaf

Bahan 2 : Log, spore, yeast, soy milk , pea, egg, vegetable oil, pea shell, sap, geranium

Bahan 3 : Pea shell, pea, soy milk, geranium, dye, dumb knuckle, kidney bean, lucky card, bow, vegetable oil

Shuck - Pretty Beannie 30%

Bahan 1 : White gloves, soy milk, pea, pea shell, leaf, dye, geranium, lucky card

Shuck - Warrior Beannie 10%

Bahan 1 : Herb, geranium, dumb knuckle, soy milk, pea, sap, dye, vegetable oil, pea shell, leaf

King Mo-Mo - Mo-mo the great 70%

Bahan 1 : Peterpan 1 set, GS of rays, invisible sword, 4 leaf clover, invisible dagger, respect, leaf

Bahan 2 : Peterpan 1 set, Gs Of rays, invisible flail, 4 leaf clover, respect, leaf

Bahan 3 : Peterpan 1 set, Gs of rays, invisible sword, 4leaf clover, invisible dagger, leaf, respect

King MoMo - [inf]Warrior Mo-Mo 25%

Bahan 1 : Peterpan 1 set, gs of rays, invisible sword, 4 leaf clover, invisible staff, respect, leaf

King MoMo - Male Dryad 5%

Bahan 1 : Peterpan 1 set, gs of rays, invisible sword, 4 leaf clover, invisible staff, respect, leaf

Pretty Mo-Mo - Beautiful Mo-Mo 70%

Bahan 1 : Peterpan 1 set, leaf, 4leaf clover, Gs of rays, invisible sword, invisible dagger, iron flail

Bahan 2 : Peterpan 1 set, GS of rays, invisible sword, leaf, respect, 4leaf clover, invisible dagger

Pretty Mo-Mo - [inf] War mo2 20%

Bahan 1 : Peterpan 1 set, GS of rays, invisible sword, leaf, respect, 4leaf clover, invisible dagger

Pretty Mo-Mo - Male Dryad 10%

Bahan 1 : Peterpan 1 set, GS of rays, invisible sword, leaf, respect, 4leaf clover, invisible dagger

Warrior Mo-Mo - [inf]Warrior Mo-Mo 70%

Bahan 1 : Peterpan 1 set, man`s romance, royal blade, cactus flower, seaweed, lucky card, 4 leaf clover

Warrior Mo-Mo - Male Dryad 25%

Bahan 1 : Peterpan 1 set, man`s romance, royal blade, cactus flower, seaweed, lucky card, 4 leaf clover

Warrior Mo-Mo - Fly Male dryad 5%

Bahan 1 : Peterpan 1 set, man`s romance, royal blade, cactus flower, seaweed, lucky card, 4 leaf clover

Pumpkin Head - Pumpisto 95%

Bahan 1 : Seaweed, bell, ashes, white ashes, invisible sword, invisible staff, 4leaf clover, lucky card, GS of rays, invisible dagger

Pumpkin Head - Male Dryad 5%

Bahan 1 : Seaweed, bell, ashes, white ashes, invisible sword, invisible staff, 4leaf clover, lucky card, GS of rays, invisible dagger

Pumpkin - Huge Pumpkin Head 70%

Bahan 1 : Invisible sword, GS of rays, seaweed, invisible dagger, starfish, crab leg, rayshark`s fin, white ashes, ashes, 4 leaf clover

Pumpkin - Male Dryad 25%

Bahan 1 : Invisible sword, GS of rays, seaweed, invisible dagger, starfish, crab leg, rayshark`s fin, white ashes, ashes, 4 leaf clover

Pumpkin - Fly Male Dryad 5%

Bahan 1 : Invisible sword, GS of rays, seaweed, invisible dagger, starfish, crab leg, rayshark`s fin, white ashes, ashes, 4 leaf clover

Amber - Jurrassic Mosquito in amber 90%

Bahan 1 : Crystal, gold, silver, white fur, moonstone, ice crystal, lucky card, aleph`s crystal, platinum, ruby

Amber - Male Dryad 10%

Bahan 1 : Crystal, gold, silver, white fur, moonstone, ice crystal, lucky card, aleph`s crystal, platinum, ruby

Rose - White Rose 75%

Bahan 1 : Leaf, lucky card, respect, fairy powder, wit, stone, sharp tooh, invisible staff, sunflower seed, lightpanel

Rose - Female Dryad 25%

Bahan 1 : Leaf, lucky card, 4 leaf clover, respect, fairy powder, magic powder, sharp tooth, sunflower seed, lightpanel

Rose - Fly Female Dryad 5%

Bahan 1 : Leaf, lucky card, 4 leaf clover, respect, fairy powder, magic powder, sharp tooth, sunflower seed, lightpanel

Sunflower - Solar 95%

Bahan 1 : Sunflower seed, iron plate, cactus flower, 4 leaf clover, lucky card, fairy powder, magic powder, leaf, wit, peterpan (T)

Bahan 2 : Sunflower seed, wit, magic powder, fairy powder, cactus flower, leaf, iron plate, 4 leaf clover, lucky card, snow crystal

Bahan 3 : Cactus flower, fairy powder, magic powder, 4leaf clover, lucky card, iron plate, sunflower seed, leaf, wit, peterpan (T)

Sunflower - Female Dryad 5%

Bahan 1 : Sunflower seed, iron plate, cactus flower, 4 leaf clover, lucky card, fairy powder, magic powder, leaf, wit, peterpan (T)

Bahan 2 : Cactus flower, fairy powder, magic powder, 4leaf clover, lucky card, iron plate, sunflower seed, leaf, wit, peterpan (T)

Beannie - French Beannie 70%

Bahan 1 : Leaf, seaweed, white ashes, invisible staff, gs of rays, 4leaf clover, lucky card, peterpan(T)(H)(B)

Bahan 2 : Respect, leaf, mulberry leaf, 4 leaf clover, white ashes, GS of rays, invisible sword, invisible dagger, invisible staff, invisible flail

Bahan 3 : Leaf, mulberry leaf, seaweed, ashes , white ashes, peterpan (H), GS of rays, invisible flai, invisible staff, 4 leaf clover

Beannie - [inf]Warrior Beannie 25%

Bahan 1 : Leaf, mulberry leaf, seaweed, ashes , white ashes, peterpan (H), GS of rays, invisible flai, invisible staff, 4 leaf clover

Beannie - Female Dryad 5%

Bahan 1 : Leaf, mulberry leaf, seaweed, ashes, white ashes, peterpan hat , 4leaf clover, lucky card, peterpan(T)(B)

Pretty Beannie - Beautiful beannie 70%

Bahan 1 : Respect, seaweed, lucky card, leaf, fairy powder, peterpan(H)(T), invisible staff, sunflower seed, bell

Pretty Beannie -[inf]Warrior Beannie 25%

Bahan 1 : Respect, seaweed, lucky card, leaf, fairy powder, peterpan(H)(T), invisible staff, sunflower seed, bell

Pretty Beannie - Female Dryad 5%

Bahan 1 : Respect, seaweed, lucky card, leaf, fairy powder, peterpan(H)(T), invisible staff, sunflower seed, bell

Warrior Beannie - Inf war beannie 75%

Bahan 1 : peterpan 1 set . respect, seaweed, invisible staff, invisible sword, 4 leaf clover,invisible flail

Warrior Beannie - Female Dryad 20%

Bahan 1 : peterpan 1 set . respect, seaweed, invisible staff, invisible sword, 4 leaf clover,invisible flail

Warrior Beannie - Fly Female Dryad 5%

Bahan 1 : peterpan 1 set . respect, seaweed, invisible staff, invisible sword, 4 leaf clover,invisible flail

Bahan2 Evo untuk Piya Egg

Piya Egg - Baby Piya 100%

Bahan 1 : hatching stone, sap, milk, geranium, large geranium, motherly love, motherly devotion, mother`s heart, father`s excuse, father`s good old days

Bahan 2 : Egg, milk, soy milk, geranium, madam`s feather, piya`s unfertilized egg, chicken feather, hatching stone, sap ,lucky card

Bahan 3 : Sap, geranium, large geranium, egg, madam`s feather, hatching stone, piya`s unfertilized egg, chicken feather, milk, oxygen

Bahan 4 : Geranium, large geranium, forging rock, madam`s feather, egg, milk, chicken feather, piya`s unfertilized egg, sap , soymilk

Bahan 5 : Egg, milk, soy milk, geranium, piya`s unfertilized egg, pea, pea shell, sap , lucky card

Baby Piya - Silly piya 30%

Bahan 1 : Max red potion, high red potion, red potion, egg, wheat, max blue potion, high blue potion, blue potion, herb, 1000 year mushroom

Baby Piya - Smart Piya 30%

Bahan 1 : Crystal of star, blue crystal, wit, mark of sage, mark of mage, bell, cat`s whiskers, flail, wooden staff, lucky card

Bahan 2 : Wit, crystal of star, mark of sage, wooden staff, flail, cat`s whiskers, mark of mage, bell, blue crystal, lucky card

Bahan 3 : Wooden staff, flail, mark of sage, mark of great sage, crystal of sakiel, mark of mage, glassses, goldfish, high blue potion, 4 leaf clover

Baby Piya - Healty Piya 30%

Bahan 1 : Max red potion, high red potion, red potion, vodka, milk, max blue potion, high blue potion, blue potion, meat ,egg

Bahan 2 : Max blue potion, high blue potion, blue potion, respect, vodka, max red potion, high red potion, red potion, egg , meat

Bahan 3 : Max red potion, red potion, high red potion, egg ,herb, blue potion, high blue potion, max blue potion, vodka, milk

Baby Piya - ExtraOrdinary Piya 10%

Bahan 1 : Lucky Card, crystal of star, blue crystal, mark of sage, mark of mage, wit, clock, bell, cat`s whiskers, flail, wooden staff

Smart Piya - Magician Piya 20%

Bahan 1 : 4 leaf clover, magic leather clothes 1 set, magic powder, mage`s clothes 1 set

Smart Piya - Cleric Piya 20%

Bahan 1 : Mark of sage, wit, hammer hilt, adel`s blessing, mark of vampire, lucky card, crystal of sakiel, crystal of hesed, crystal of neza, crystal of dean

Smart Piya - Chicken 30%

Bahan 1 : 4 leaf clover, magic leather clothes 1 set, magic powder, mage`s clothes 1 set

Smart Piya - Warrior Piya 10%

Bahan 1 : 4 leaf clover, magic leather clothes 1 set, magic powder, mage`s clothes 1 set

Healthy Piya - Clown piya 30%

Bahan 1 : Mark of great sage, sage`s staff, wit, rabbit`s cleaver, chicken hat, mulberry leaf, dumb knuckle, 4leaf clover, lucky card,???

Healthy Piya - Knight piya 40%

Bahan 1 : Knight`s crest, soul of swordsman, armor pieces, iron plate, iron, titanium, mirthil, ceramic, really hard shell ,gold

Bahan 2 : Titanium, mitrhil, really hard shell, hard shell, knight crest, golenium, man`s romance, ceramic, iron, piya`s unfertilized egg

Bahan 3 : Man`s romance, knight crest, goldfish, ceramics, iron plate, Soul of swordsman, soul of holy knight, mitrhil, titanium , lucky card

Healthy Piya - Chicken 20%

Bahan 1 : Man`s romance, knight crest, goldfish, ceramics, iron plate, Soul of swordsman, soul of holy knight, mitrhil, titanium , lucky card

Healthy Piya - Warrior Piya 10%

Bahan 1 : Man`s romance, knight crest, goldfish, ceramics, iron plate, Soul of swordsman, soul of holy knight, mitrhil, titanium , lucky card

ExtraOrdinary Piya - Clown Piya 20%

Bahan 1 : mark of great sage, sage`s staff, wit , rabbit`s cleaver, chicken hat, mulberry leaf, dumb knuckle, 4 leaf clover, lucky card

Extraordinary Piya - Magician Piya 20%

Bahan 1 : Mark of great sage, magic leather clothes 1 set, mage`s clothes 1 set, magic powder

ExtraOrdinary Piya - Cleric piya 20%

Bahan 1 : mark of sage, mark of great sage, mark of vinagh, chinese talisman, flail, lucky card, piya`s staff, 4 leaf clover, adel`s blessing, cleric piya`s stringge

ExtraOrdinary Piya - Knight Piya 20%

Bahan 1 : Knight`s crest, soul of holy knight, armor pieces, lignite, iron, titanium, ceramics, really hard shell, gold, anthracite,

ExtraOrdinary Piya - Warrior Piya 17%

Bahan 1 : Mark of greast sage, leather clothes 1 set, mage`s clothes 1 set, magic powder

Extra Ordinary Piya - Hero piya 3%

Sage` staff, lucky card, magic leather clothes 1 set, mage`s clothes 1 set

Magician Piya - Great Magician Piya 80%

Bahan 1 : staff of radish, invisible staff, ghost staff, wagon driver staff, grandma staff, magic powder, soul of great mage, 4 leaf clover

Magician Piya - Super Piya 17%

Bahan 1 : staff of radish, invisible staff, ghost staff, wagon driver staff, grandma staff, magic powder, soul of great mage, 4 leaf clover

Magician Piya - Queen Of All Chicken 3%

Bahan 1 : staff of radish, invisible staff, ghost staff, wagon driver staff, grandma staff, magic powder, mark of great sage, 4 leaf clover

Cleric piya - super piya 17%

Bahan 1 : Soul of holy knight, soul of swordsman, spirit of cat, soul of great mage, soul of pirate, soul of snow princess, fallen spirit, soul of jester, lucky card, quick tempered ghost

CLeric Piya - High Cleric Piya 80%

Bahan 1 : Soul of holy knight, soul of swordsman, spirit of cat, soul of great mage, soul of pirate, soul of snow princess, fallen spirit, soul of jester, lucky card, quick tempered ghost

Cleric piya - Queen Of All Chicken 3%

Bahan 1 : Soul of holy knight, soul of swordsman, spirit of cat, soul of great mage, soul of pirate, soul of snow princess, fallen spirit, soul of jester, lucky card, quick tempered ghost

Knight Piya - Master Swordsman Piya 80%

Bahan 1 : Flamberge, bastard sword,piya`s sword, evil eye sword, gladius, ghost sword, skeleton sword, invisible sword, mama bear`s knife, dullahan sword, lucky card

Bahan 2 : flamberge, royal blade, warior piya`s sword, evil eye sword, gladius, skeleton sword, skeleton dark sword, mama bear`s knife, 4leaf clover, ghost sword

Bahan 3 : FLamberge, bastard swod, fierry sword, falchion, skeleton dark sword, invisible sword, ghost sword, mama bear`s knife, 4 leaf clover

Knight Piya - Super Piya 17%

Bahan 1 : flamberge, royal blade, warior piya`s sword, evil eye sword, gladius, skeleton sword, skeleton dark sword, mama bear`s knife, 4leaf clover, ghost sword

Bahan 2 : piya`s sword, fierry sword, flamberge, evil eye sword, gladius, mama bear`s knife, dullahan sword, skeleton sword, skeleton dark sword, 4 leaf clover

Knight Piya - King Off All Chicken 3%

Bahan 1 : flamberge, royal blade, warior piya`s sword, evil eye sword, gladius, skeleton sword, skeleton dark sword, mama bear`s knife, 4leaf clover, ghost sword

Warrior Piya - Super Piya 80%

Bahan 1 : piya` sword, warrior piya`s sword, piya`s staff, cleric piya`s syringge, cleric piya hat, warrior piya`s glove, soul of swordsman , soul of holy knight, soul of great mage, 4 leaf clover

Bahan 2 : Soul of holy knight, soul of jester, soul of great mage, soul of pirate, warrior piya`s sword, piya`s sword, piya`s staff, cleric piya`s syringge, mage piya`s staff, 4leaf clover

Warrior Piya - King Off All Chicken 7%

Bahan 1 : soul of holy knight, soul of swordsman, soul of jester, soul of great mage, soul of pirate, warrior piya`s sword, piya`s swrod, piya`s staff, cleric piya`s syringge, 4 leaf clover

Warrior Piya - Fly Chicken King 3%

Bahan 1 : Soul of holy knight, soul of swordsman, soul of jester, soul of great mage, soul of pirate, warrior piya`s sword, piya`s sword, piya`s staff, cleric piya`s syringge, 4 leaf clover

Warrior Piya - Queen Of All Chicken 7%

Bahan 1 : Soul of holy knight, soul of swordsman, soul of jester, soul of great mage, soul of pirate, warrior piya`s sword, piya`s sword, piya`s staff, cleric piya`s syringge, 4 leaf clover

Warrior Piya - Fly Chicken Queen 3%

Bahan 1 : Soul of holy knight, soul of swordsman, soul of jester, soul of great mage, soul of pirate, warrior piya`s sword, piya`s sword, piya`s staff, cleric piya`s syringge, 4 leaf clover

Chicken Piya - Cranky Rooster 70%
Bahan 1 : Chicken costume (T)(S)(H), golem`s heart, ice-cold`s heart, jason`s heart, motherly devotion, mother`s heart, father`s excuse, man`s romance

Chicken Piya - Warrior Piya 20%

Bahan 1 : Chicken costume (T)(S)(H), golem`s heart, ice-cold`s heart, jason`s heart, motherly devotion, mother`s heart, father`s excuse, man`s romance

Chicken Piya - King Of All Chicken 5%

Bahan 1 : Chicken costume (T)(S)(H), golem`s heart, ice-cold`s heart, jason`s heart, motherly devotion, mother`s heart, father`s excuse, man`s romance

Chicken Piya - Queen Of All Chicken 5%

Bahan 1 : Staff of radish, invisible staff, ghost staff, wagon driver`s staff, grandma`s staff, mage piya`s staff, rena`s staff, cool guy`s stick , raden`s staff, 4leaf clover

Hero Piya - General Piya 57%

Bahan 1 : Armor of wind 1set, shield of wind, bamboo hat, korean tradition costume (T)(B)(S), 4 leaf clover

Hero Piya - Super Piya 40%

Bahan 1 : Armor of wind 1set, shield of wind, bamboo hat, korean tradition costume (T)(B)(S), 4 leaf clover

Hero Piya - Fly chicken king 3%

Bahan 1 : Armor of wind 1set, shield of wind, bamboo hat , korean tradition costume (T)(B)(S), 4 leaf clover

Bird Egg - Legged bird egg 100%

Bahan 1 : Milk, chicken feather, hatching stone, sap, mark of wind, motherly devotion, mother`s heart, father`s excuse, lucky card,

Bahan 2 : chicken feather, motherly love, hatching stone, sap, motherly devotion, mother`s heart, father`s excuse, lucky card, mark of wind, white fur

Bahan 3 : Milk, chicken feather, hatching stone, sap, motherly devotion, mother`s heart, father`s excuse, lucky card, mark of wind

Bahan 4 : Milk, sap , hatching stone, chicken feather, lucky card, mother`s heart, motherly devotion, motherly love, father`s excuse, father`s good old Days

Legged Bird Egg - Feather Winged Egg 50%

Bahan 1 : milk, white gloves, gold fur, white fur, rabbit fur, gariel`s feather, mariel`s feather, crow`s feahter, eangle`s feather, chicken`s feather

Bahan 2 : Gariel` feather, mariel`s feather, eangle`s feather, crow`s feather, chicken`s feather, white glove, gold fur, white fur, rabbit fur, magic powder

Bahan 3 : Gariel` feather, mariel`s feather, eangle`s feather, crow`s feather, chicken`s feather,milk, white glove, gold fur, white fur, rabbit fur

Legged Bird Egg - Bat winged egg 50%

Bahan 1 : Bat`s wing, bat`s tooth, venom canine, iron, mark of vampire, black sap, forging rock, volcanic rock, spider`s poison, lucky card,

Bahan 2 : Bat`s wing, tail, father`s good old day, venom canine, spider poison, volcanic rock, black sap, 4 leaf clover, lucky card

Bahan 3 : Volcanic rock, crow`s feather, crystal of sakiel, father`s excuse, black sap, forging rock, bat`s tooth, bat`s wing, venom canine, poisonous claw

Bat Winged egg - Baby Bat 30%

Bahan 1 :motherly love, motherly devotion, motherly love, father`s good old days, father`s excuse, venom canine, bat`s tooth, sharp tooth, milk, soy milk

Bat Winged Egg - Blood Sucking bat 30%

Bahan 1 : Bat`s wing, venom canine, poisonous claw, spider poison, mark of sakiel,crystal of sakiel, mark of vampire, dullahan tear, bat`s tooth, lucky card

Bat winged egg - Pigbat 35%

Bahan 1 : Max red potion, red potion, high red potion, rabbit fur, soy milk, pea, bear`s gall, milk, 1000 year mushroom, lucky card

Bahan 2 : Red potion, max red potion, high red potion, soy milk, milk, meat, goldfish, bear`s gall, bat`s wing, 4 leaf clover

Bahan 3 : 4 leaf clvoer, bat`s wing, red potion, high red potion, max red potion, hatchling tooh, milk, bear`s gall, goldfish, hatchling scae

Bat winged egg - Salamander 5%

Bahan 1 : Red potion, max red potion, high red potion, meat, milk, bear`s gall, goldfish, soy milk, hatchling scale &tooth

Bahan 2 : Red potion, high red potion, max red potion, soy milk, milk, meat , goldfish, bear`s gall, bat`s wing, 4 leaf clover

Bahan 3 : 4leaf clover, bat`s wing, red potion, max red potion, high red potion, hatchling scale & tooth, bear`s gall, goldfish

Feather Winged Egg - Crow 30%

Bahan 1 : Adel`s blessing, shinny threads, piece of glass, knight`s crest, titanium, mirhthil, silver, platinum, gold, lucky card,

Bahan 2 : silver, gold, platinum, mithril, titanium, knight`s crest, piece of glass, shinny threads, lucky card, mark of wind

Bahan 3 : Knight`s crest, crow feather, gold, piece of glass , platinum, shinny threads, mithril, silver

Feather Wingged egg - Pair Of Love Birds 30%

Bahan 1 : mother`s heart, motherly devotion, motherly love, father`s excuse, father`s good old days, cold heart, golem`s heart, man`s romance, lucky card

Feather Wingged Egg - Owl 35%

Bahan 1 : Eyeball, mushroom, eangle`s feather, hot blood, magic leather clothes (T)(B)(S), mage`s clothes(T)(B), snake scale

Bahan 2 : magic leather (T)(B)(S)(H), mage`s clothes (T)(B)(H), eyeball, mark of wind, magic powder

Bahan 3 : Magic leather hat (T)(B)(H), magic fabric clothes 1set, eyeball, magic powder, mark of wind

Bahan 4 : Mage`s clothes 1 set, mark of wind, eyeball, magic leather (T)(B)(H), magic powder

Feather Wingged Egg - Eangle 5%

Bahan 1 : adel`s blessing, shinny threads, piece of glass, crow`s feather, titanium, gold , silver, platinum, morthil, lucky card

Bahan 2 : mage`s clothes (T)(B)(H), magic leather clothes 1 set,eyeball, magic powder, mark of wind

Bahan 3 : Eyeball, magic fabric clothes 1 set, magic leather clothes 1 set ,4 leaf clover

Bahan 4 : Mage clothes 1 set, magic leather clothes (T)(B)(H), eyeball, mark of wind, magic powder

Baby bat - HBBB 98%

Bahan 1 : GS of fierry, fierry dagger, mars mace, bat`s wing, bgm, 4 leaf clover, vampire canine, bat`s tooth , boiling blood, hot blood

Baby bat - Dragon 2%

Bahan 1 : GS of fierry, fierry dagger, mars mace, bat`s wing, bgm, 4 leaf clover, vampire canine, bat`s tooth , boiling blood, hot blood

Blood Sucking Bat - Count bat 98%

Bahan 1 : Vampire dagger, GS of evil eye, evil eye sword, fierry sword, mars mage , hot blood, boiling blood, vampire canine, 4 leaf clover, blue blood of reptile

Bahan 2 : Vampire dagger, GS of evil eye, evil eye sword, fierry sword, mars mage , hot blood, boiling blood, mark of vampire, 4 leaf clover, blue blood of reptile

Bahan 3 : vampire dagger, GS of evil eye, evil eye sword , hot blood, boiling blood, 4 leaf clover, blue blood of reptile, mark of vampire

Blood Sucking Bat - Dragon 2%

Bahan 1 : vampire dagger, GS of evil eye, evil eye sword , hot blood, boiling blood, 4 leaf clover, blue blood of reptile, mark of vampire

Pigbat - Lucky Pig Bat 98%

Bahan 1 : cow skin, rabbit ears , snake skin, hatchling tooth , wolf`s skin, chicken costume T , dog nose, farmer pig`s rake, 4 leaf clover

Bahan 2 : Minotaur`s passion , cow skin , rabbit ears, snake skin , hatchling scale , wagon driver`s staff , rooster`s cudgel, 4 leaf clover, farmer pig`s rake

Bahan 3 : Snake skin, cow skin, rabbit ears, hatchling tooth , wagon driver`s staff, wolf skin, chicken costume (T)(S), 4 leaf clover

Pigbat - Dragon 2%

Bahan 1 : cow skin, rabbit ears , snake skin, hatchling tooth , wolf`s skin, chicken costume T , dog nose, farmer pig`s rake, 4 leaf clover

Salamander - Hatchling 70%

Bahan 1 : incubus horn, platinum antennae, snake skin , poisonous claw, lunar shield, mermaid bubble, blue blaze, 4 leaf clover, minotaur`s passion, hatchling scale

Salamander - Dragon 29%

Bahan 1 : incubus horn, platinum antennae, snake skin , poisonous claw, lunar shield, mermaid bubble, blue blaze, 4 leaf clover, minotaur`s passion, hatchling scale

Salamander - Fly Dragon 1%

Bahan 1 : incubus horn, platinum antennae, snake skin , poisonous claw, lunar shield, mermaid bubble, blue blaze, 4 leaf clover, minotaur`s passion, hatchling scale

Crow - Ibis 98%

Bahan 1 : soul dagger, metronicker, 4 leaf clover, platinum mace , mirhthil sword, divine blade, staff of awakening ,GS of alloy , GS of genuine radiance, loriel`s staff

Crow - Phoenix 2%

Bahan 1 : soul dagger, metronicker, 4 leaf clover, platinum mace , mirhthil sword, divine blade, staff of awakening ,GS of alloy , GS of genuine radiance, loriel`s staff

Pair Of love bird - Sweet love birds 98%

Bahan 1 : red plumber`s plunger, yellow plumber`s plunger, platinum plumber`s plunger, dullahan swordm rabbit`s cleaver, motherly devotion, motherly love, mother`s heart, father`s good old day, 4leaf clover

Bahan 2 : red plumber`s plunger, yellow plumber`s plunger, platinum plumber`s plunger, dullahan sword, ladle, motherly devotion, motherly love, mother`s heart, father`s good old day, 4leaf clover

Pair Of Love bird - Phoenix 2%

Bahan 1 : red plumber`s plunger, yellow plumber`s plunger, platinum plumber`s plunger, dullahan swordm rabbit`s cleaver, motherly devotion, motherly love, mother`s heart, father`s good old day, 4leaf clover

Owl - Dr.Owl 98%

Bahan 1 : Star crystal, lunar shield, Night shadow armor (T)(S)(H), starlight armor 1 set, 4 leaf clover

Bahan 2 : Star crystal, lunar shield, night shadow armor 1 set, starlight armor (H)(B), starlight shield, 4 leaf clover

Owl - Phoenix 2%

Bahan 1 : Star crystal, lunar shield, Night shadow armor (T)(S)(H), starlight armor 1 set, 4 leaf clover

Bahan 2 : Star crystal, lunar shield, night shadow armor 1 set, starlight armor (H)(B), starlight shield, 4 leaf clover

Eagle - Thunder Bird 70%

Bahan 1 : mariel`s feather, snake scale, goldfish, hatchling scale, chicken costume (H), crab leg, solar stone, ruby, evil eye sword, 4 leaf clover

Bahan 2 : eangle`s feather, mariel`s feather, hatchling scale, crab leb, 4 leaf clover, wolf`s skin, crustacean bone, snake skin, ruby, chicken costume(H)

Eagle - Phoenix 29%

Bahan 1 : mariel`s feather, snake scale, goldfish, hatchling scale, chicken costume (H), crab leg, solar stone, ruby, evil eye sword, 4 leaf clover

Bahan 2 : eagle`s feather, mariel`s feather, hatchling scale, crab leb, 4 leaf clover, wolf`s skin, crustacean bone, snake skin, ruby, chicken costume(H)

Eagle - Fly Phoenix 1%

Bahan 1 : mariel`s feather, snake scale, goldfish, hatchling scale, chicken costume (H), crab leg, solar stone, ruby, evil eye sword, 4 leaf clover

Bahan 2 : eagle`s feather, mariel`s feather, hatchling scale, crab leb, 4 leaf clover, wolf`s skin, crustacean bone, snake skin, ruby, chicken costume(H)

Bahan2 evo untuk Heaven Egg

Heaven Egg - Baby 100%

Bahan 1 : Mother`s heart, motherly devotion, motherly love, father`s excuse, father`s good old days, milk, soy milk, hatching stone, geranium, lucky card

Bahan 2 : Milk, soy milk, hatching stone, geranium, motherly love, motherly devotion, mother`s heart, fairy powder, lucky card

Bahan 3 : Hatching Stone, mother`s heart, motherly love, father`s excuse, father`s good old days, milk, fabric cloth 1 set

Baby - Girl 100%

Bahan 1 : Mother`s heart, motherly love, motherly devotion, father`s excuse , father`s good old days, magic powder, fairy powder, gold, silver, lucky card

Bahan 2 : Red Ribbon, mother`s heart, motherly love, rose, snow crystal, father`s excuse, fairy powder, blue dye, gold, oxygen

Bahan 3 : moon stone, fairy powder, sap, snow crystal, gold, platinum, motherly devotion, motherly love, mother`s heart, father`s excuse

Bahan 4 : motherly devotion, mother`s heart, father`s good old days, lucky card, fairy powder, cactus flower, blue blaze, solar stone, bundle of dream, soul of holy knight

Girl - Lady 100%

Bahan 1 : motherly love, motherly devotion, mother`s heart,moon stone, father`s excuse, bundle of dreams, snow crystal, mermaid`s bubble, fairy powder, magic powder

Bahan 2 : motherly love, motherly devotion, mother`s heart,moon stone, father`s excuse, red ribbon, bundle of dream, snow crystal, sap, fiery powder

Bahan 3 : motherly love, motherly devotion, mother`s heart, father`s excuse, bear`s gall, bundle of dream, soul of holy knight, moon stone, sap, fairy powder

Bahan 4 : Motherly love, motherly devotion, father`s excuse, red ribbon, gold, snow crystal, soul of holy knight, father`s good old days, cactus flower, bundle of dreams

Bahan 5 : Snow crystal, motherly love, motherly devotion, mother`s heart,moon stone, father`s excuse, oxygen, lucky card, bundle of dreams, cactus flower, white base

Bahan 6 : motherly love, motherly devotion, mother`s heart,moon stone, father`s excuse, father`s good old days, snow crystal, soul of holy knight, oxygen, bundle of dream, lucky card

Lady - Valkyrie 90%

Bahan 1 : Starlight armor 1 set, lucky card, 4 leaf clover, flamberge, masquarde, soul of swordsman, soul of holy knight

Bahan 2 : Starlight armor (H)(T)(S), starlight shield, lucky card, flamberge, masquarde,4leaf clover, soul of holy knight, soul of swordsman

Bahan 3 : Starlight armor (S)(T)(H), starlight shield, flamberge, masquarde, 4 leaf clover, soul of holy knight, soul of swordsman, wagon`s driver staff

Lady - Fly Valkyrie 10%

Bahan 1 : Starlight armor (H)(B)(S), starlight shield, lucky card, flamberge, masquarde,4leaf clover, soul of holy knight, soul of swordsman

Bahan 2 : Starlight armor (S)(B)(H), starlight shield, flamberge, masquarde, 4 leaf clover, soul of holy knight, soul of swordsman, wagon`s driver staff

Combo Sealindo

Begginer : Tinju Sedih Tak Berakhir
Warrior : Pedang Besar Tanpa Nama
Cleric : Demi Malkuth Sang Pencipta
Knight : Tusukan Miring Penghancur Jiwa
Magician : Jurus Tongkat Peri Api
Clown : Pisau dapur penghibur sukma
Craftman : Pukulan Terakhir Penentu Takdir

Begginer : Pukulan Petir
Warrior : Singa Putih Mengintai Mangsa
Cleric : Gada Emas Maha Sakti
Knight : Pembasmi Naga
Magician : Avara Kadavra
Clown : Tarian Belati Tanpa Nama
Craftman : Demi Neza

Begginer : Tinju Besi
Warrior : Serangan Berputar Pedang Besar
Cleric : Hesed Bersamaku
Knight : Dewa Langit Dewa Bumi
Magician : Amarah Roh Api Suci
Clown : Pisau Dewa Penghancur
Craftman : Palu Goldian

Begginer : Bakso di Mie Goreng
Warrior : Pedang Pembasmi Roh
Cleric : Saya Hukum Kamu Dalam Nama Cinta dan Keadilan
Knight : Terbang ke Langit
Magician : Dengan Kekuatan Api Suci ! Ciaaat !
Clown : Belati Empat Mata Angin
Craftman : Ratapan Serigala Khayangan

Begginer : Tinju Berputar
Warrior : Sinar Bulan Sabit Penghilang Ingatan
Cleric : Badai Cinta Tiada Harapan
Knight : Pedang Arwah
Magician : Jadilah Pangeran Katak ! Ciaaat !
Clown : Cakar Harimau Putih
Craftman : Pukulan Roket

Beginner : Ada SEAL Ada Cinta
Warrior : Tusukan Miring Penghancur Jiwa
Cleric : Pukulan Hawa Murni
Knight : Pedang Cahaya
Magician : Kura Kura Geledek
Clown : Serangan Katak Melompat
Craftman : Pukulan Palu Patah Hati

Beginner : Pukulan Kepiting
Warrior : Pedang Besi Berkarat! Ciaaat!
Cleric : Demi Hokma Sang Bijak
Knight : Pedang Suci Matahari
Magician : Cahaya Kegelapan
Clown : Pukulan Bintang Jatuh
Craftman : Rantai Perak 1000 Badai

Begginer : Tinju Angin Selatan
Warrior : Serangan Naga Melompat
Cleric : Tapak Emas Penghukum Bale II
Knight : Batuk dan Flu Menjadi Satu
Magician : Angin Dingin Kutub Utara
Clown : Pinguin Membelah Angkasa
Craftman : Tendangan Timah Panas

Begginer : Jurus Air Mendidih
Warrior : Pedang Kayu Menghantam Besi
Cleric : Tapak Emas Penghukum Bale I
Knight : Cakar Harimau Putih
Magician : Amarah Naga Api
Clown : Tendangan Kaki Kuda
Craftman : Tarian Naga Emas

Begginer : Tamparan Tak Berguna Kelinci Genit
Warrior : Sayatan Empat Mata Angin
Cleric : Berkat Eliot Selalu Bersamaku
Knight : Serangan Jet
Magician : Jadilah Bongkahan Es Abadi ! Hyaaa !
Clown : Belati Tanpa Nama
Craftman : Tendangan Bulan Sabit

Begginer : Serangan Katak Melompat
Warrior : Macam Sembunyi Naga Jongkok
Cleric : Rapalan Mantera Suci
Knight : Tusukan Tombak Dewa
Magician : Roh Api Suci Datanglah
Clown : Sayatan Pisau Dewa
Craftman : Tangisan Rembulan

Begginer : Tikus Tanah Tikus Got
Warrior : Serangan Hampa Pedang Besar
Cleric : Tangisan Rembulan
Knight : Cahaya Suci Pedang Keadilan
Magician : Pukulan Tongkat Es
Clown : Cinta Lama Bersemi Kembali
Craftman : Naga Emas Membelah Bumi

Begginer : Badai Uppercut
Warrior : Amarah Raja Kegelapan
Cleric : Gada Empat Raja Langit
Knight : Tendangan Tornado
Magician : Tongkat Keseimbangan Langit Bumi
Clown : Pisau Daging Pengacau Raga
Craftman : Palu Emas Penghancur

Begginer : 1000 Cubitan Sesat Kelinci Gila
Warrior : Kerinduan Matahari
Cleric : 1000 Aura Pengusir Iblis
Knight : Pedang Naga Menghujam Bumi
Magician : Tongkat Kehancuran
Clown : Lempar Batu Sembunyi Tangan
Craftman : Hantaman Kuali Tembaga

warrior GS combo 2 :
15 hits (A S D A S D A S D A S D A S D): Serangan Pedang Cahaya
16 hits (S S S A A A S S S D D D A S D AS): Ratapan Tipareth Sang Kecantikan
18 hits (D A S D A S D A A S S D D A S D SD): Pedang Dewa Membelah Angkasa
19 hits (A A A S S S D D D A S D S A A A A): 7 Titah Penghancur Langit ke 9
20 hits (D S A S D S A S D S A S D S A S D D D D): 10 Elim Turun ke Shiltz